Phone: 855-900-3274
(920) 341-4962
Residential Models:

Commercial Models:

Custom/Industrial Models:

Residential Products

Click the Models in the table to view products details.

Free Air 0.2 Inches 0.3 Inches 0.4 Inches
S180D HRV 237 217 199 179
E180D HRV 230 200 187 175
7230 HRV 105 85 75 64
7240 HRV 139 129 124 118
7240H ERV 139 129 124 118
7260 HRV 110 103 98 89
7260H ERV 110 103 98 89
7261 HRV 146 134 126 116
7261H ERV 146 134 126 116
7290 HRV and ERV 150 133 124 113
7292 HRV 200 175 163 152
7295 HRV and ERV 266 240 228 212